Thursday, August 6, 2009

BETTER than Jesus in the Flesh?

Here's a TRUTH that boggles my mind- we have it BETTER than the disciples who had Jesus in the flesh with them. The words of Christ "I tell you the truth: IT IS FOR YOUR GOOD that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you." (John 16:7)
When I read the gospels sometimes I get so envious, I wish I was there. What it would've been like to have been in the town of the man who had been demon possessed when he walked out of the area of the tombs fully clothed, restored; or to have been in Bethany when Jesus called Lazarus dead corpse out of the tomb; or to have been on the ship when Jesus calmed the storm!
But here's the Amazing Truth- we have it BETTER than the disciples, BETTER than Jesus in the flesh. WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIVING INSIDE OF US, GUIDING US, DIRECTING US, SPEAKING TO OUR SOULS!


  1. You're right babe. We always look down on the disciples because they walked and talked with Jesus and still messed up; here we are with the word of God to look to and can look to the disciples for what not to do and we mess up 10x greater!

  2. WOW! Never thought of it like that
