Wednesday, August 26, 2009


The other day I took my Son to the basketball court to play some ball. Connor stands 2'10'' and lacks the strength to get the ball to the hoop and the thought capacity to comprehend what all was going on. But I know this, we had a blast! Father-n-Son dribbling around the court shoot'n hoops just the 2 of us.
Sports are a BIG DEAL to me- I love Sports! They are the thing that my Father and I share in common more than anything else. I can remember sitting in my Dad's office when I was a little kid. There was a black and white tv set in there and he always had a game on. "Which team are we rooting for Dad?" I would always ask. I remember watching those games, not knowing what all was going on, but just being comforted in the time together with him.
I hope that our trip to the court is the first of a million. I can't wait for the days to come: the first time Connor makes a basket, a free throw, the first time he beats his old man one-on-one. This is my hope- I hope that in our time together, Connor would love being around his Dad, as much as I'll enjoy spending time with him. I hope that the court is a classroom where my Son and I will talk about life, about dreams, about God, about girls, about becoming a man.

So Connor if you're willing- I'm always ready for a game!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


God is the only thing in life that NEVER DISSAPOINTS! He just keeps gett'n Gooder and Gooder! It may be bad grammer, but it's great theology.
I have a lot of favorite verses in the Bible, but Psalm 34:8 might be my all-time favorite "Taste and see that the LORD is good..." This past week was a great week; for me, my wife, and our church. I'm so thankful for how He orchastrates everything for His Divine Purpose. Forgive me for when I miss it, when I miss Him, who He is, and what He's doing.
I think we miss it alot! (I know I do) We go through the motions and we take the tour everyday. I once went on a tour of a cheese factory- it was boring. The best part about the cheese factory is eating the cheese. Christianity- the tour is boring! Jesus says "Taste and See" not observe, but experience- I want to stop observing Christ so much and start experiencing more of Him!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

BETTER than Jesus in the Flesh?

Here's a TRUTH that boggles my mind- we have it BETTER than the disciples who had Jesus in the flesh with them. The words of Christ "I tell you the truth: IT IS FOR YOUR GOOD that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you." (John 16:7)
When I read the gospels sometimes I get so envious, I wish I was there. What it would've been like to have been in the town of the man who had been demon possessed when he walked out of the area of the tombs fully clothed, restored; or to have been in Bethany when Jesus called Lazarus dead corpse out of the tomb; or to have been on the ship when Jesus calmed the storm!
But here's the Amazing Truth- we have it BETTER than the disciples, BETTER than Jesus in the flesh. WE HAVE THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIVING INSIDE OF US, GUIDING US, DIRECTING US, SPEAKING TO OUR SOULS!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Annie got a New Bible for her birthday!
Last night we opened it up and she read it for the first time. Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the LORD with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding." I told her we'd be reading one verse together every night. She got excited and then spent a moment pondering a question that had formed in her mind. "Dad," she asked, "what if we run out of verses?"
That's the AMAZING thing about God's WORD, it is soooooooo DEEP! When you think you've gotten to the bottom, God unlocks a whole new realm.
For instance-
I was reading through my Bible a couple of days ago and I got completely inspired. God engaged me in a whole new stratosphere. Psalm 119 (it's the longest chapter in the Bible), 176 verses on the same thing- the WORD of God. The author is obsessed! Every verse pursuing, learning, loving God through His Word.
I want that! I want that for my life to be CONSUMED by the WORD of God! And I want that for Annie! I can't wait! Night after night the WORD of God being written on her heart.