Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Hero!

My Daughter is my hero! Yesterday Annie came home from school (Sumas Elementary where she is a First Grader) and had a secret to tell her Mommy.
"Mommy, guess what happened at school today?"
"What Annie?" Rachel replied
"I prayed with Riley to ask Jesus into her heart"
Wow! I can't even begin to express how proud I am of my 6 year old girl. She gets it on a Spiritual Level. Riley remarked to Annie that she was having a bad day- Annie's first thought was to tell Riley she needed Jesus. I'm always talking about how we need to look for the opportunities. But I think the thing that holds us back isn't that we don't recognize the opportunities, it's that we don't seize the opportunity when it presents itself.
Way to go Annie! That's now 2 kids you've led to Christ in the middle of a public school classroom! Keep seizing these precious moments! Keep listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit as He prompts you!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Bible for Hippies

You ever read the Bible and just stumble upon something that gets you cracking up! I do, espcecially when reading through the Proverbs. Last Sunday in our Discipleship Class we stumbled upon a gem of a verse- "Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred." Proverbs 15:17.
If ever there was a Passage to validate all of those vegans and vegitarians- this is it! If ever there was a Passage to spur a Hippy movement- it's Proverbs 15:17.
I'm still crack'n up!